Wow, so much pressure and I don't even know you yet!
But, I want to make a good impression. There are so many reasons I am here today, typing on my laptop to a virtual world, not knowing if anyone is even going to read this. Reasons like-the Lord called me, He won't let me rest until I follow through, I want to be obedient and there might be one person out there that needs to hear what the Lord has laid on my heart! Not reasons like-I think I have something important to say or I think that I am particularly clever or talented in writing. I don't and I'm not (as you shall see). However, I do feel a huge burden to share something with you, whether I do well or not is irrelevant! My goal is to obey the Lord and hopefully be a blessing in the process! Thank you for joining me here. My goal is to share tips with you about how God has taught me to memorize the Word, tucking it in my heart for times of need. I'd like to give away free resources for Bible study that I've put together over the years. I would like to share So, what has God called YOU to do? Has He put on your heart to take a step of faith? Has He asked you to be bold and talk to someone about Him? Or maybe He is working in the quiet places of your heart to just trust in Him. Or maybe you haven't yet taken that step of obedience He has called you to, by tithing, or serving in the church, or (enter your step here); only you know what God is speaking to your heart. Whatever it is, get confirmation. Seek the Lord and His word to make sure it is His calling. (More later about how to know God's will; this is not meant to be a mystery!) Get confirmation from your community (Prov. 11:14). And then, DO IT! I know, I know,....easy for you to say, right? You are right. It is easy to say, and hard to follow through. I know because I have been like Moses giving God every excuse as to why I should not be doing this. But, when it comes down to it I had to ask myself, "Do I want to disobey God?" Well, what is YOUR answer to that question? Take that step, and let God prove Himself to you. God does not call us out and leave us hanging. I Thess. 5:24 Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. What a promise! I'm sure God has already proven His faithfulness to you, as He has to me so many times. He is faithful! And when He calls us, He also does it! He doesn't leave us alone to do it ourselves! I implore you, my new friend, if God has laid something on your heart, called you to take a step, burdened your heart, don't procrastinate. Take that step and He will bless you for it. I mean, think about this, the God who made the universe and everything in it has communed with your heart and asked you to do something. That gives me chills! What an awesome privilege. If you have felt a tug on your heart to take a step of obedience and would like to share or need prayer, you are welcome to contact me. I would love to pray for you and hear your story. God Bless your step of obedience. He is already blessing mine! Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Phil. 4:20 XO ~Angie |